CSP Training
The Certified Supervision Professional (CSP) program is based on a 120-hour training designed to introduce GCDF, counselors, and other professionals (psychologists, social workers, human resources specialists, managers) to this domain. It is founded on the belief that general knowledge of theory and skills pertaining to this domain, combined with practice, can help practitioners at any stage of their development to gain a basic level of competencies pertaining to supervision.
CSP curriculum “Basics of Supervision in Helping Professions” core areas of competency:
1Purposes of supervision
2Theoretical frameworks and models of supervision
3Types of supervision
4Roles and relationships in supervision
5Legal and ethical issues in supervision
6Multicultural issues in supervision
7Supervision interventions
8Professional development of supervisees
Training design
The areas of competency are addressed by using a variety of instructional methods throughout the following stages of the training, across three months:
1. Distance Training
This stage is designed according to the principles of distance learning and it lasts for six weeks.
It focuses on readings and working on assignments that encourage reflectivity. Continuous communication between the instructor and the participants, both as a group and as individuals, is fostered.
Participants receive feedback on their assignments and are expected to bring their experiences from this stage in the next phase of the training.
2. Face to Face Workshop
The second stage of the training is designed for 24 hours (four days, six hours per day).
The learning process during this 24-hour workshop is designed to model for participants the group supervision experience.
The interactions are face to face and there is a strong focus on practice and discussions, as a mean to encourage participants to learn to think like supervisors.
3. Distance Training, Supervision Practice and Evaluation
The final stage of this program takes place in the six weeks following the in-class training.
Participants have the opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills in practice and to receive feedback from the instructor. The communication with the instructor is maintained by e-mail and videoconference meetings.
The maximum recommended number of participants is nine and the minimum is six.
The following are the basic criteria for evaluation: