EBCC Programs
Programs Portfolio
In pursuing its mission, EBCC advocates for the establishment and promotion of professional and ethical standards as a quality assurance mechanism of paramount importance in safeguarding the professionals and the public. In this endeavour, EBCC has been collaborating with several institutions, in European countries, mainly through the development and implementation of the credentialing programs Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and Certified Supervision Professional (CSP) and the training program Mental Health Facilitator (MHF).

The GCDF is a 120+ hours credentialing program developed to offer recognition to career development professionals worldwide and promote a philosophy of lifelong learning. GCDFs are professionals trained to help people, both individually and in a group setting, make informed decisions when considering their own career development. Through the use of best practices, various assessment tools and career development models, GCDFs facilitate their clients’ personal and professional development by equipping each individual with the necessary knowledge and skills.

The CSP program aims to equip helping professionals, managers or human resources specialists with the basic knowledge, skills and techniques of supervision and it can benefit both practitioners with no supervision experience and supervisors without prior training.

The MHF training program is designed to provide individuals with the tools and skills necessary to identify mental health needs, make referrals, and work with and support those in need of mental health care. Mental Health Facilitators are not a new professional group, they retain their professional identity and augment their work with MHF skills, complementing existing care resources.